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Raft Survival: The Ultimate Ocean Adventure Game

Raft Survival: How to Stay Alive on the Open Sea

Imagine that you are stranded on a small raft in the middle of the ocean with nothing but a hook made of old plastic. You have no idea where you are or where you are going. You have no food or water. You have no shelter or protection. You have only one goal: survive.

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This is the scenario that you face in Raft, a popular survival game that challenges you to stay alive on a perilous voyage across a vast sea. You have to gather debris, scavenge reefs and islands, build your own floating home, and fight off sharks and other dangers along the way.

Raft survival is not easy. It requires skill, courage, luck, and a lot of creativity. But it is also fun, rewarding, and exciting. You never know what you will find or encounter on your journey.

In this article, we will share some tips and techniques that will help you survive on a raft in Raft or in real life. Whether you are playing alone or with friends online, these tips will help you make the most out of your adventure.

What You Need to Survive on a Raft

The first thing you need to know about raft survival is what items you need to have or try to get on a raft. These items can be divided into two categories: essential and optional.

Essential Items

Essential items are those that you cannot live without on a raft. They are vital for your survival and well-being. You should always prioritize getting and keeping these items on your raft. Here are some of the most important essential items:

  • Water: Water is the most essential item for raft survival. You need water to stay hydrated, healthy, and alive. You can get water from rain, barrels, or purifying salt water. You should always have a water purifier and a water bottle on your raft.

  • Food: Food is the second most essential item for raft survival. You need food to stay energized, nourished, and alive. You can get food from fishing, farming, or hunting. You should always have a fishing rod, a crop plot, and a grill on your raft.

  • Shelter: Shelter is the third most essential item for raft survival. You need shelter to stay warm, dry, and safe. You can build shelter from wood, plastic, metal, or other materials. You should always have a roof, a bed, and a storage box on your raft.

  • Tools: Tools are the fourth most essential item for raft survival. You need tools to gather, craft, and use resources. You can make tools from scrap, rope, nails, or other materials. You should always have a hook, a hammer, a spear, and a research table on your raft.

Optional Items

Optional items are those that you can live without on a raft, but they can make your life easier or more enjoyable. They are not vital for your survival, but they can enhance your chances or comfort. You can get or make these items if you have enough resources and space on your raft. Here are some of the most useful optional items:

  • Fishing Gear: Fishing gear is an optional item that can help you catch more fish and other sea creatures. You can make fishing gear from scrap, rope, feathers, or other materials. You can use fishing gear to catch fish, clams, mussels, or even sharks.

  • Navigation Equipment: Navigation equipment is an optional item that can help you find your way and locate destinations on the ocean. You can make navigation equipment from scrap, circuit boards, batteries, or other materials. You can use navigation equipment to control your sail, anchor your raft, or follow radio signals.

  • Signaling Devices: Signaling devices are an optional item that can help you communicate with other survivors or rescuers on the ocean. You can make signaling devices from scrap, plastic, metal, or other materials. You can use signaling devices to light fires, send flares, or make noise.

How to Find and Collect Resources on a Raft

The second thing you need to know about raft survival is how to find and collect resources on a raft. Resources are the materials that you need to survive and build on a raft. They can be found in different ways and places on the ocean. You have to be resourceful and creative to get the most out of them.

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How to Use Your Hook

Your hook is your primary tool for finding and collecting resources on a raft. You can use your hook to catch debris floating by on the ocean surface. These debris include wood, plastic, leaves, barrels, crates, etc. They can contain various resources that you can use or craft with.

To use your hook, you have to aim at the debris and throw it by pressing the left mouse button. Then you have to reel it in by holding the right mouse button. If you hit the debris with your hook, you will see a white circle around it. You have to wait until the circle fills up before you can pull the debris to your raft. If you miss the debris or release the right mouse button too soon, you will lose your hook and have to make a new one.

You can also use your hook to catch resources that are underwater, such as scrap, stone, sand, clay, etc. These resources are usually found near reefs or islands. To use your hook underwater, you have to dive into the water and aim at the resource. Then you have to press and hold the left mouse button until you see a white circle around the resource. When the circle fills up, you can release the left mouse button and the resource will be added to your inventory.

You should always be careful when using your hook underwater, as there may be sharks or other dangers lurking around. You can use shark bait to distract them while you scavenge for resources.

How to Scavenge Reefs and Islands

Your hook is not the only way to find and collect resources on a raft. You can also scavenge reefs and islands that you encounter on your journey. These places can offer a variety of resources that you cannot find on the ocean surface, such as seaweed, metal ore, copper, glass, etc. They can also provide food, such as coconuts, watermelons, pineapples, etc.

To scavenge reefs and islands, you have to anchor your raft near them and explore them by swimming or walking. You can use your hook or your axe to harvest resources that you find. You can also use your shovel to dig for treasure chests that may contain valuable items.

You should always be aware of your surroundings when scavenging reefs and islands, as there may be hostile animals or traps that can harm you. You can use your spear or your bow to defend yourself from them.

How to Craft Useful Items

Finding and collecting resources on a raft is not enough. You also have to craft useful items that can help you survive and improve your raft. You can craft items by using your research table and your crafting menu.

Your research table is where you can learn new recipes for items that you can craft. You have to place a resource on the research table and press the research button to unlock its recipes. You can only research each resource once, so make sure you don't waste them.

Your crafting menu is where you can see and craft the items that you have learned. You have to open your inventory and select the crafting tab to access it. You can see the items that you can craft in different categories, such as food & water, equipment, building, etc. You can also see the resources that you need for each item and how many of them you have.

Some of the most useful items that you can craft are:

  • Water Purifier: A device that can turn salt water into fresh water. You need a cup of salt water and some planks to use it. You have to place the cup of salt water on the purifier and light a fire under it with planks. When the water is purified, you can collect it with another cup.

  • Crop Plot: A container that can grow plants from seeds. You need some dirt and some seeds to use it. You have to place the dirt on the crop plot and plant the seeds on it. Then you have to water the plants regularly with fresh water until they are ready to harvest.

  • Furnace: A device that can smelt metal ore into metal ingots. You need some metal ore and some planks to use it. You have to place the metal ore on the furnace and light a fire under it with planks. When the metal ore is smelted, you can collect the metal ingots from it.

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