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Portrait Of Steve Jobs !NEW!

if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'diyphotography_net-box-2','ezslot_2',674,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-diyphotography_net-box-2-0');When you think of a portrait of Steve Jobs, I bet this is the image you have in mind. Photographer Albert Watson took the famous portrait in 2006, and it has become a signature photo of the famous visionary and entrepreneur. In this video from Profoto, Watson himself shares the interesting story behind this recognizable portrait.

Portrait of Steve Jobs

The portrait was made by Orlando artist Doug Powell, who spent more than 200 hours creating it. Powell amassed the computer keys by going to garage sales, putting ads on Craigslist and finally discovering a collection center full of discarded keyboards.

Wouter is a portrait and street photographer based in Paris, France. He's originally from Cape Town, South Africa. He does image retouching for clients in the beauty and fashion industry and enjoys how technology makes new ways of photography possible.

Looking for a show stopper? Here, you can find amazing, Famous Abstract Artist Los Angeles Portrait of Steve Jobs by Todd Krasovetz Digital Enhanced Art for Sale for your home or office? This is truly a stunning, original digital art on canvas, and is a must have for your collection.. This unique, one of a kind, high-end masterpiece by the abstract expressionist portrait artist, depicts a playful, emotion driven by technology imagery and computer code each exposing symmetrical movement, color and harmony.

What emerges in an authorized biography of Jobs is an egotistical, soulful, defiant, manipulative, uncompromising and, yes, obnoxious personality. The fully fleshed-out portrait in Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson, hit book stores on Monday. Advanced sales have topped best-seller lists since Jobs died Oct. 5 after a long battle with cancer at age 56.

The book begins with a portrait of the young Jobs, who was rebellious toward the parents who raised him and dismissive of the ones who gave him up for adoption. Such feelings of abandonment probably contributed to Jobs' controlling nature as an adult, Isaacson writes, but he mercifully does not psychoanalyze in the book.

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The back cover uses another photographic portrait of Jobs taken in his living room in Woodside, California in February 1984 by Norman Seeff. In a Behind the Cover article published by TIME magazine, Seeff recalls him and Jobs "just sitting" on his living room floor, talking about "creativity and everyday stuff," when Jobs left the room and returned with a Macintosh 128K (the original Macintosh computer). Jobs "[plopped] down" in the lotus position holding the computer in his lap when Seeff took the photograph.[10]

To memorialize Jobs's life after his death on October 5, 2011, TIME published a commemorative issue on October 8, 2011. The issue's cover featured a portrait of Jobs, taken by Norman Seeff, in which he is sitting in the lotus position holding the original Macintosh computer. The portrait was published in Rolling Stone in January 1984 and is featured on the back cover of Steve Jobs. The issue marked the eighth time Jobs has been featured on the cover of Time.[17]The issue included a photographic essay by Diana Walker, a retrospective on Apple by Harry McCracken and Lev Grossman, and a six-page essay by Walter Isaacson. Isaacson's essay served as a preview of Steve Jobs and described Jobs pitching the book to him.[18]


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