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Where Can I Buy Stool Softener

A stool softener is a type of laxative. Laxatives are any medicine that encourages your body to have a bowel movement. There are many different kinds of laxatives because many different things cause constipation. Some laxatives work on your poop and some work on your intestines. Other laxatives work on both, but they all can help relieve constipation

where can i buy stool softener

You can use a stool softener on a short-term basis to help relieve occasional constipation. Lifestyle factors and pregnancy can both cause constipation. Constipation is also a side effect of some health conditions and medications. Stool softeners are especially helpful for people who should avoid straining while having a bowel movement due to:

Stool softeners are a type of emollient or surfactant laxative. They work by increasing the amount of water and fat your poop (stool) absorbs. This makes your poop softer and easier to pass. The active ingredients in stool softeners are docusate sodium and docusate calcium. A common brand of docusate is (Colace).

In addition to or instead of medication, you may want to try natural stool softeners for mild constipation. Natural stool softeners include lifestyle changes to help you ease your symptoms. Lifestyle changes may include:

If you become pregnant while taking a stool softener or are breastfeeding, call your healthcare provider for guidance. People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only use a stool softener when their provider recommends it. You should discuss the benefits and risks of the medication with your provider.

How often you have a bowel movement varies, but people normally have as many as three bowel movements a day to as few as three a week. You may be constipated if you have fewer bowel movements than are normal for you. In addition, constipation may involve stools that are difficult to pass because they're hard, dry or small.

Some products combine different types of laxatives, such as a stimulant and a stool softener. But combination products don't necessarily work more effectively than single-ingredient products. In addition, they may be more likely to cause side effects.

This medication is used to treat occasional constipation. Some medications and conditions can make constipation more likely. Stool softeners such as docusate are often the first method used for preventing and treating this type of constipation. Docusate is often used when straining to have a bowel movement should be avoided (such as after a heart attack or surgery).Docusate is a stool softener. It works by increasing the amount of water the stool absorbs in the gut, making the stool softer and easier to pass. Relief is usually seen in 1 to 3 days with this medication.Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you.

There are many types of laxatives. Because many different things can cause constipation, laxatives work in different ways to resolve your constipation. Some work on your stool, some work on your intestine, and others work on both your stool and intestine.

How it works: It forms a gel in your stool that helps hold more water in your stool. The stool becomes bigger, which stimulates movement in your intestine to help pass the stool more quickly.

Most people can use laxatives without any side effects, but some side effects are possible. The following table lists some of the milder as well as the more serious side effects of stool softeners and other laxatives. The more serious side effects are usually much less common. If you do have serious side effects, contact your doctor immediately.

Phillips' Stool Softener gives you gentle, cramp-free relief from occasional constipation without the use of stimulants. It contains the #1 Doctor Recommended stool softener ingredient, docusate sodium, to work with your body's natural process. You get cramp-free, stool softening relief in easy-to-swallow liquid gels.

Constipation? We have a solution. A stimulant-free solution for gentle and predictable relief of constipation. Say goodbye to constipation symptoms such as fewer than 3 bowel movements per week, dry and hard stool, difficult or painful bowel movements, feeling that not all stool has passed.

Stool softeners are intended for short-term use to soften stools and prevent bowel straining. For faster relief of constipation, a stimulant, hyperosmotic, or saline laxative may be preferred. Chronic constipation may be best treated with a bulk-forming laxative.

Taking stool softeners on a long-term basis should only be done under the guidance of a doctor. Docusate sodium itself will not cause any harm, but you may develop a tolerance to it and require more and more over time. This can lead to bouts of diarrhea.

Laxatives fall into different categories. Bulk-forming laxatives add fiber to stool, while hyperosmotic laxatives draw water into the colon so stools pass more easily. Stimulant laxatives increase contractions of the intestines to speed a bowel movement.

A. The risk of problems from long-term use of stool softeners such as docusate sodium (Colace, Regulax SS, other brands) really isn't the issue. The question is whether stool softeners do much good. Studies have cast doubt on the effectiveness of preparations taken expressly for stool softening.

Besides, there are plenty of other ways to accomplish the same thing. The difference between a hard stool and a soft one is its water content. Increasing your fiber intake can help soften stool because fiber pulls water into the intestine. Many of us get only a small fraction of the 20 to 35 grams of fiber we're supposed to eat each day. Fruit, vegetables, and whole grains are good sources. Fiber can produce abdominal cramps, bloating, and flatulence, so it's best to increase your intake nice and gradually.

But I understand why you are asking about long-term use of a laxative. The concern, though, hasn't been about stool softeners. It's the stimulant laxatives, which include bisacodyl (Correctol, Dulcolax, other brands) and senna (Ex-Lax, Fletcher's, Senokot), that have worried some doctors and patients.

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ANSWER: There currently isn't any research that has examined the specific long-term side effects of taking a stool softener every day. While the risks associated with taking this kind of over-the-counter medication daily are not likely to be significant, it would be a good idea to talk with your health care provider about your symptoms. Although uncommon, an underlying health condition could be part of the problem.

Constipation typically is defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week or other symptoms (e.g., hard stools, excessive straining, or a sense of incomplete evacuation after defecation). Chronic constipation refers to these symptoms when they last for several weeks or longer.

Constipation is a common problem,and there are many types of laxatives available to help treat it. Stoolsofteners, also called emollients, work by drawing fluids into stools, which issupposed to make them softer. This may make it easier to have a bowel movementwithout straining.

Over-the-counter stool softeners areeffective for some people. However, in controlled clinical trials, there is noevidence that they improve symptoms. While they only are intended forshort-term relief of constipation, using a daily stool softener long-termprobably is not harmful. But there are other ways to help relieve constipationthat often are successful.

Your diet often is one of the maindrivers behind constipation. For many people, dietary changes can be aneffective way to relieve constipation. One example is adding fiber to your diet,which may increase the weight of your stool and speed its passage through yourintestines. Good sources of fiber include fresh fruits and green, leafy vegetables,as well as whole-grain breads and cereals. That said, do not add a significantamount of fiber to your diet quickly. A sudden increase in the amount of fiberyou eat can cause bloating and gas, so start slowly.

Depending on your medical history and your symptoms, your health care provider may want to evaluate you for an underlying medical condition that could lead to chronic constipation. For example, a blockage in the colon or rectum or impaired relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles may result in constipation. Nerve and muscle problems can affect the muscles in the colon and rectum, making it difficult for stool to move through the intestines. Conditions such as diabetes and thyroid disorders may change the balance of hormones in your body, and that can result in chronic constipation as well. 041b061a72


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