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Common.js !!HOT!!

The common.js preprocessor works by wrapping each of your JavaScript files in an extra function call which defines all the necessary bits for a CommonJS module (such as the module and exports variables). A compiled module looks something like this (except this has been cleaned up for reading):


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We are working on a project which involves custom branding. We are using a tool called Splunk. We need to add a label along with the Splunk logo. We investigated with firebug and we could see that there is a reference to that splunk logo in common.js and common.min.js file. We are using splunk version 6.2. We located the common.js file in the below path.

CommonJS (opens new window): CommonJS builds are intended for use with older bundlers like browserify (opens new window) or webpack 1 (opens new window). The file for these bundlers (pkg.main) is the CommonJS build (fuse.common.js).

I'm importing from a bundled JS file. At least with its current configuration, rollup isn't recognizing require(...) imports. As such, I'll need to refactor string-utils-common.js before using it (or re-configure rollup).

CommonJS: CommonJS builds are intended for use with older bundlers like browserify or webpack 1. The default file for these bundlers (pkg.main) is the Runtime only CommonJS build (vue.runtime.common.js). 041b061a72


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