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Where To Buy Still Pond Wine !!TOP!!

We offer complimentary tasting of our 18 award winning wines. You may take a tour of our winery and processing facility, or choose to stroll through our luscious vineyards, or even view the pond that inspired Still Pond. If you are unable to visit our winery please visit our online store.

where to buy still pond wine


West of the city of Albany, in southwestern Georgia, not far from the Alabama line, three generations of Cowart men have grown grapes. First they grew for fresh, eating grapes, and later for wine. Charlie Cowart, the eldest of the three, managed a cattle farm and was the first to ponder the possibilities of wine when he planted fifty acres of muscadines in the 1970s. His son, Charles, leveraged that dream when, in 2003, he began making his own lime of Still Pond wine from Cowart-grown grapes.

Still Pond got its name from the spring-fed pond that dominates the property. Some say there was a Confederate brandy still that made peach brandy there during the Civil War. That may be a tall story, but digs into the dirt around the pond have revealed peach pit middens.

South Georgia's premier winery featuring a variety of premium Muscadine wines, tasting room, and gift shop overlooking the vineyards. Still pond distillers opened in 2012 providing moonshine, vodka, brandy and gin.

Still Pond Distillery opened in 2014 as the only farm winery and distillery in the Southeast. Nineteen new products have been added to the Still Pond brand: nine distilled spirits, six fortified wines and four meads. Full-time employment now stands at nine, and sales of the distilled spirits are boosting their wine sales.

Hudson wine is a cottage industry except for Brotherhood, whichturns out 50,000 cases a year, and Millbrook Vineyards in Millbrook, one ofNew York's top producers using classical European grapes. As elsewhere,many proprietors have day jobs and supplement their income by selling wineparaphernalia and printing private labels; opening on-premises cafes,restaurants and nightclubs; sponsoring pig roasts; catering weddings and barmitzvahs, and holding jazz concerts.

Although John S. Dyson, the multimillionaire proprietor ofMillbrook, owns vineyards and a winery in Tuscany and vineyards onCalifornia's central coast, his commercial center of gravity is asoaring whitewashed Dutch-hip dairy barn converted into a winery andsurrounded by 52 acres of vines. The long driveway curves through regimentsof leafy trellises. A balcony off the second-floor tasting room offers aserene panorama that suggests a Thomas Cole painting of a dewy New World:acres of sloping vines, a pond, a grazing horse, valleys and hills, allfading into far-off, gauzy and, yes, purplish Catskills.

The Hudson River Club, a restaurant in the World Financial Centerin Manhattan, agrees. High rollers have found Mr. Feder's bracing drysparkling wine, called Clinton Vineyards Seyval Naturel, and his seyval stillwine on the wine list for years. Some who have become fans visit his sweet,homey property.

Warwick Valley observably believes in the curative powers of azippy product called Doc's Draft Hard Apple Cider and in an impressiveDoc's Framboise (cider plus raspberries). They are made by Dr. David L.Rosenstreich, an immunologist, and former amateur wine maker; his businesspartner is Dr. Joseph N. Grizzanti, a pulmonary specialist. Their charmingpost-and-beam hillside shop, adjacent to a farm pond and stable with fourhorses, seems prepared for an Architectural Digest shoot: 1920's kitchencabinets, a crank Victrola, a Fairbanks-Morse cabinet radio, leaning driedcornstalks. An adjoining bakery is irresistible. Next year, theproperty's young chardonnay, riesling and vignoles vines may yield theirfirst salable wines.

Farther north, in Pine Bush, when you see Richard Eldridge'sT-shirt motto -- ''J'aime Mon Vin'' -- and and hearValerie, his wife, chatting about her Loire Valley girlhood, you understandwhy the tricolor is flown on Bastille Day at the 700-case Brimstone Hill. Whythe '96 cabernet franc, made from a Loire grape, is promising. Why the'96 chardonnay resembles Chablis. And why Brimstone uses French-Americanhybrid grapes for its well-knit blend called Vin Blanc Superieur, apersonable Vin Rouge Superieur and a lively brut sparkling wine calledDomaine Bourmont (for Mrs. Eldridge's maiden name).

At Marlboro, Mark Miller's long-distance vision goes beyondthe Berkshires, which are visible from his Benmarl Wine Company, toweringover the Hudson's west bank. In 1957, he bought the property, includingits vineyard, where in 1867 the Dutchess, a once important Eastern grape, wasdeveloped. He started one of the state's first postwar wineries and wasinstrumental in passage of the Farm Winery Act of 1976. This law, offeringgrape farmers inducements to become wine producers, laid the foundation fortoday's state wine industry.

Some of the Hudson Valley wineries -- Applewood, Brotherhood,Rivendell and West Park -- own no vines to see. But the slatted wooden basketpress is still visibly in use across the region, as it was in the 19thcentury when Catawba wine was king and a Longfellow poem gave it 100 pointsout of 100. 041b061a72


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